Lixir Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool Sale Ends

2 min readMay 10, 2021


Lixir facilitates fair distribution of LIX through successful bootstrapping event

Lixir’s Balancer Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool (LBP) Event concluded at 4PM UTC 10th May, 2021. Balancer’s Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool enabled Lixir to optimally distribute LIX tokens and bootstrap liquidity without overcapitalization. The LBP was permissionless, without the need of third party assistance or funding.

The LIX sale

The Lixir LBP started at 4PM UTC 8th May 2021, paired with USDC and the pool weight shifted from 96:4 LIX/USDC to 48:52 over the course of 48 hours.

The result was a tremendous success! We managed to sell 497,189 LIX and ended the sale with 8.04$ per LIX!

Keep in mind that due to the shifting weight and limited supply, the price increases faster and faster as the supply decreases. The price would have approached infinity once the final tokens were sold, making it actually impossible to sell 100% of all the tokens.

Here you can see the mechanics of the LBP downward pressure on the price of LIX during the sale. This ensured everyone could get a fair price for LIX.

The LBP did $9.8 million in swap volume over the course of the sale. The Lixir team collected a total of $3,2 million USDC and 497,189 LIX were sold. Looking at the LBP as a whole, 413 transactions were made . Many accounts transacted just once, however there were individuals who actively traded throughout the duration of the LBP.

Looking at the data, it seems clear that the high cost of gas on the Ethereum network had an effect on who participated and how often they participated.

Unsold tokens are back in the ecosystem and must be farmed and some will be used to seed the Uniswap pool.

What’s next

With the LBP over, you can now purchase LIX on Uniswap here:

We are incredibly happy with how the sale went. Choosing the LBP was not the easiest way for the Lixir team to distribute LIX tokens, quite the opposite! However, the results have reassured us that our hard work was not in vain. Thank you to everyone who participated in the LBP. We can see that our burgeoning community is going to be a robust one. Lixir has a bright future, indeed!

We will share soon the first designs of our app and are working hard to get the application launched as soon as possible.

The application will feature the first vaults and a liquidity mining program for $LIX.




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