How to join the Pre-Sale

3 min readApr 18, 2021



We started off by accepting verbal commitments from our community members to guarantee participation on a first come, first serve basis.

However, this almost immediately resulted in more verbal commitments than tokens available for sale (a good problem to have). Therefore, in the interests of fairness, we decided to open up the pre-sale to everyone.

Please find below a step-by-step tutorial for joining the pre-sale.

Important Facts

  • We are an anonymous team, and see it as best for the project’s long-term future if we keep it that way
  • This way of vesting and pre-sale is expensive in gas!! Don’t do it if you are not ok in spending 300$–700$ in gas (depending on Ethereum.)
  • For buying directly from Etherscan scroll completely down.
  • Lixir is an early stage project and you should DYOR before you invest


  • 6 months vesting. The first month is a cliff (no tokens unlock) and for the remaining 5 months, tokens unlock linearly at daily intervals.
  • The sale will end either when all tokens are sold, or at 21.04.2021 ; 23:59 CET, whichever comes first
  • No minimum ticket size
  • 1.5 million Lix are available in the pre sale
  • 1 LIX = 1,5$


  • Is this safe? Yes, we used an OpenZeppelin contract and tested everything to make sure funds are SAFU
  • Why does it cost so much gas? The downside of using OpenZeppelin is the high gas cost, but it’s worth the investment

How it works

  • Approve USDC
  • Wait for the transaction to confirm
  • Click “Purchase and Vest” to confirm the transaction

How to check your vesting

When you followed the steps, you are now a member of the LIX vesting gang ✌️😎

When we launch our dashboard on, you can check your vesting schedule and claim your tokens there.

In the meantime, you can find your vesting on the right side of

It will look like this:

  • If you follow the link, you will see the detail page of your vesting schedule

See you all in Valhalla ⚔️


PS: When you want to use the contract instead of the Dashboard follow those steps:

1. Go to

Connect to metamask

2. Go to

#9 increaseAllowance. for spender: 0x3A556ad4bef69b54dF717e331D91833d60C71848 for increment: 10000000000000

once you click “write” you should see metamask pop up. wait for it to confirm

3. Go to

Connnect to metamask.

4. choose #2 purchaseWithUSDC. for amount, enter the number of LIX you want. so 10 LIX is just 10.

Click write

If something goes wrong the vestingFactory will throw an error and nothing happend and your funds are always SAFU



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